Almanya veya tüm Avrupa'dan ithal arabalar


Scania S500

€35.880 (brüt)

€29.900 (net)


€35.880 (brüt)

€29.900 (net)

Dahil 20,00% KDV (Fransa)

₺1.134.657 (net)

Teknik veriler



İlk Tescil12/2018
Vites KutusuOtomatik vites
Kilometre559.313 km
İzin Verilebilen Brüt Araç Ağırlığı (GVW)19.000 kg
Yapım Yılı2018
Tekerlek Formülü4x2
Vehicle condition
Damaged vehicles are any vehicles with unrepaired significant damage, e.g. due to a road traffic accident, fire damage, hail damage, water damage, engine damage or damage to the gearbox. This does not include: 1.) normal wear and tear; 2.) minor damage; 3.) a vehicle which has previously had an accident but has since been repaired. Also, a vehicle is only deemed to be accident-free if it has never suffered any significant damage in an accident. This means anything more serious than minor damage (e.g. scratched paintwork). Even if the damage has been properly repaired, the vehicle is no longer accident-free. Finally, 'Roadworthy' means that the vehicle is technically capable of being driven (no engine damage or the like). This does not refer to aspects of traffic safety or other suitability of the vehicle.
Kullanılmış araç, Damaged
CategoryStandart traktör/römork ünitesi
Vehicle Number220615
Antriebsartİçten yanmalı motor

Araç Açıklaması

! Matériel accidenté/Damaged équipment/Verunglücktes Material ! *

  • Tracteur routier accidenté *

- Procédure

VEI avec suivi d'expert

- Circonstances sinistre


Matériel accidenté vendu en l’état, vente à professionnel ou pour l’exportation.

∗!Attention, les véhicules ne peuvent faire l'objet d'aucune garantie, reprise, échange, remboursement ou réclamation à l'issue de la vente!*

∗!Please note: vehicles cannot be covered by any guarantee, trade-in, exchange, refund or claim at the end of the sale.!*

Prix de vente hors taxes.

Livraison possible en supplément du prix de vente.

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Notre société, spécialisée dans l’achat et la vente, vous propose également la reprise de tous type de matériels professionnels basée sur une expertise rapide suivie d’un règlement immédiat. Nous aurons ainsi le plaisir de vous accueillir dans nos nouveaux locaux au 17 Route d’Eschau, 67400 ILLKIRCH-GRAFFENSTADEN

Disposant d’un parc matériel de plus de 100 000 m2 au Sud de Strasbourg et d’un atelier entièrement équipé, nous possédons plus de 350 références comprenant engins de chantier / manutention / matériel agricole / poids lourds / V.P. / V.U un stock renouvelé tous les mois.

Benzer Araçlar

Bayi baskı


17, Route d'Eschau

FR-67400 Illkirch, Alsace, France Fransa
  • Telefon Numarası: +33 3 62 44 85 94

4 Ara 2018 yılından bu yana ile

Konuşulan diller:


Arabanın Konumu

Ek Bilgiler

Satıcıyla iletişim kurun

Mesaj otomatik olarak satıcının diline çevrilir

Merhaba, benim adımve şu konuda daha çok bilgi almak istiyorum: Scania S500 listenin ölçütleri €29.900 (net) / €35.880 (brüt) (₺1.134.657 (net))

Bundan başka şöyle bir sorum var:

Lütfen şu tarihe kadar bana geri dönün: veya
en yakın zamanda.

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17, Route d'Eschau
FR-67400 Illkirch, Alsace, France Fransa

+33 3 62 44 85 94