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Andere Lancia Ypsilon 1.0 FireFly 5 porte S&S Hybrid Si

€12.490 (brüt)

€10.238 (net)


€12.490 (brüt)

€10.238 (net)

Dahil 22,00% KDV (İtalya)

₺384.079 (net)

Teknik veriler

Araç, yalnızca satıcı aracın hiçbir kazada (önemli) bir hasar almadığını gösteren bağlayıcı bir güvence sunabiliyorsa "kazasız" kabul edilir.

Kazasız, Kullanılmış

İlk Tescil03/2023
Vites KutusuManuel vites kutusu
YakıtHibrid (akaryakıt/elektrik)
Kilometre17.068 km
Güç51 kW (69 PS)
Silindir Hacmi999 ccm
Koltuk Sayısı4
Kapı Sayısı4/5
Araç Sahibi Sayısı0
Vehicle condition
Damaged vehicles are any vehicles with unrepaired significant damage, e.g. due to a road traffic accident, fire damage, hail damage, water damage, engine damage or damage to the gearbox. This does not include: 1.) normal wear and tear; 2.) minor damage; 3.) a vehicle which has previously had an accident but has since been repaired. Also, a vehicle is only deemed to be accident-free if it has never suffered any significant damage in an accident. This means anything more serious than minor damage (e.g. scratched paintwork). Even if the damage has been properly repaired, the vehicle is no longer accident-free. Finally, 'Roadworthy' means that the vehicle is technically capable of being driven (no engine damage or the like). This does not refer to aspects of traffic safety or other suitability of the vehicle.
Kullanılmış araç, Accident-free
İç TasarımSiyah

Özellik Setleri

Sigara içilmeyen araç

Araç Açıklaması

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T. +39 0522 383133

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Via Marino Mazzacurati, 4

IT-42019 Scandiano İtalya
  • Telefon Numarası: +39 0522 186 3424

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Merhaba, benim adımve şu konuda daha çok bilgi almak istiyorum: Andere Lancia Ypsilon 1.0 FireFly 5 porte S&S Hybrid Si listenin ölçütleri €10.238 (net) / €12.490 (brüt) (₺384.079 (net))

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Via Marino Mazzacurati, 4
IT-42019 Scandiano İtalya

+39 0522 186 3424