(90 Evaluări)
100% Referinţe
100% Vehicul conform descrierii
Timp de răspuns
100% Referinţe
100% Vehicul conform descrierii
Martener Str. 529
44379 Dortmund Germania
Unfall-Fahrzeug nicht in Beschreibung
Raspunsul a fost prompt
No information abaut import from USA.
alles OK!
Probefahrt nur auf dem Hof möglich, kein Arangement um den Abschluss des Kaufvertrages voranzutreiben, alles sehr schwerfällig
Schnell gute Beratung.Hat auf alle Fragen geanwortet und extra Fotos vom Auto geschickt
He just sent my 1 messitch
1. He fooled me with regard to the size of the damage, he straightened part of the car with a hammer, to make it look more beautiful in the pictures and thus do even more damage. 2. The lie is that the car is in running order. 3. He took everything out of the car, even the fuel, damaging the fuel pump, which is very expensive. 4. He insisted that I send him all the documents in PDF format, although I told him that I was on vacation and did not have a PC, just a Mobile Phone.
schnell, fair und korrekt.