Importaţi automobile din Germania şi din toată Europa


Mercedes-Benz Cuby Sprinter 519 CDI | 16+1 | No. 476

Preţ la cerere


Preţ la cerere

Date tehnice

Cutie de vitezeTransmisie automată
Număr de locuri17
An de fabricaţie2025
Număr de locuri17
Stare vehiculVehicul nou
CategorieAlte autobuze şi autocare

Descriere vehicul

Standard and optional equipment:

● Original windscreen
● Double tinted side windows - fake panorama
● Thermal and acoustic insulation of the passenger compartment
● Walls and pillars covered with soft upholstery
● A roof hatch that serves as an emergency exit
● High-quality flooring (imitation wood paneling)
● Engine-independent convector heating: left/right side (electronically adjustable)
● Roof air-conditioning with individual shelf distribution for each passenger and electronic control
● Driver air conditioning (dashboard), automatic
● Fully adjustable touring seats + headrests + 3-point seat belts + armrests (carbon) + tables + newspaper nets + holders
● Seats mounted in a rail system
● Comfortable driver's seat with armrest
● Interior center lighting
● RGB LED supplementary lighting in the passenger compartment
● Illuminated door steps
● Roof marker lights
● Side marker lights
● Overhead luggage racks with control panel (ventilation, lighting, speaker) - illuminated
● Electric side doors with heated glass
● Electric wide-angle side mirrors
● Electric windows on the driver's side
● Electrical sockets for the driver and in the passenger compartment
● USB sockets for each passenger
● Additional safety railing at the vehicle entrance
● Rear-end paneling - hinged doors without windows
● Wheelchair ramp● Window punches, fire extinguisher, curtains, first aid kit
● Hook
● Rear-view camera
● Cruise control
● Digital Tachograph
● Central locking system

In addition, we offer our customers:
- Promotional financing or leasing
- Vehicle registration
- We provide assistance in dealing with formalities
- Delivery of a car to the indicated address

We invite you to contact us:


TYMOTEUSZ +48 509388022 (Polish, English)
MAREK +48 501090473 (Polish, English, Russian, German)
ADAM +48 500118058 (Polish)


Auto-CUBY Spain: Kacper +34 678979086
Auto-CUBY Italia: Mattia +39 376 133 19 34
Auto-CUBY Deutschland: Darius +49 1717448078
Auto-CUBY France: Sylvain +33 684136073

Vehicule similare

Dealer - menţiuni legale

Auto-CUBY Sp. z o.o.

Przemysłowa 2

PL-84-241 Gościcino Polonia
  • Nr. telefon: +48 58 572 33 00
  • Nr. telefon: +48 0048 501090473
  • Fax: +48 58 5724170

Cu din 10 iul. 2013

Limbi vorbite:

Deutsch, Pусский, English, Italiano, Polski

Locaţie automobil

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Bună ziua. Numele meu esteşi aş dori să ştiu mai multe despre Mercedes-Benz Cuby Sprinter 519 CDI | 16+1 | No. 476

În plus, am următoarea întrebare:

Vă rog să mă contactaţi pe email: sau la telefon
cât mai curând posibil.


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Auto-CUBY Sp. z o.o.

Przemysłowa 2
PL-84-241 Gościcino Polonia

+48 58 572 33 00