Un vehicul este considerat „fără accident” dacă vânzătorul poate furniza garanţii solide precum că vehiculul nu a suferit niciodată avarii (semnificative) într-un accident.
Neaccidentat, Vehicul second-hand
Prima înregistrare12/1980
Cutie de vitezeCutie de viteze manuală
Kilometraj150.000 km
Putere100 kW (136 CP)
Capacitate cilindrică4.000 cc
Număr de locuri2
Număr de uşiDouă sau trei
Stare vehicul
Vehicule avariate înseamnă toate vehiculele cu daune semnificative nereparate, de ex. din cauza unui accident în trafic, unui incendiu, grindinei, apei, defectării motorului sau cutiei de viteze. Aici nu sunt incluse: 1.) uzura normală; 2.) avariile minore; 3.) un vehicul care anterior a avut un accident, dar a fost reparat de atunci. De asemenea, se consideră că un vehicul nu a fost accidentat dacă nu a suferit nicio avarie semnificativă într-un accident. Acest lucru înseamnă că orice avarie mai serioasă decât una minoră (de ex,. vopsea zgâriată). Chiar dacă avaria a fost reparată corect, vehiculul nu mai este considerat neaccidentat. În sfârşit, „Utilizabil în trafic” înseamnă că, din punct de vedere tehnic, vehiculul poate fi condus (nu are motorul defect sau ceva asemănător). Acest lucru nu se referă la aspecte privind siguranţa în trafic sau la alt caracter potrivit vehicului.
Vehicul second-hand, Neaccidentat
CategorieSUV / Off-road Vehicle / Pickup Truck
AntriebsartMotor cu ardere internă
Design interiorNegru
Seturi de caracteristici
Scaune sport
Tracţiune 4x4
Descriere vehicul
Let's put it up for sale a real head turner for a while if there's a buyer for it who's up for a ride. I
Technology based on the Hj61, i.e. a four-liter turbo engine and a 5-speed gearbox, starts when you even think about the key, as is the custom with this technology. Coil springs, power steering and disc brakes in every corner, so it's not quite as terrible to drive as the original. Also 35x12.5 tires with good surface. A front diff lock that can be connected with Vair compressor with air tank and a automatic 100% lock in the back. Warn winch, extra Hella xenon spot lights, costum snorkel. The transmissions are reasonably tight, you can drive without worry even with bigger tires. Inside the front a are also Longfield's 30-spline axle and cv joits, you can also spare one, but you hardly need it easily. Inside is roll cage and two retro racing seats, two batteries with all fuses are inside on the back.
There is not much rust here (a small dent on the left side panel). At one time, the metal work was done quite properly. The paint surface is not perfect, but it's quite decent, the shade is similar to Toyota's original, chosen from the RAL map.
The car has been serviced and every attempt has been made to fix the faults whenever something broke. There is a slight gap in the rear gimbal bars and requires attention at some point. This isn't a new car, and it won't be sold as such, so faults can occur, especially when driving off-road, but this isn't a Jeep that's always broken! You can still reasonably get parts by ordering from the Toyota counter, and there are still a lot of disassembly parts available for these. Toyota goes with a lot of spare parts. Toyota was made for fun and joy not for races. All modifications are in registration pappers.
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