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Altele Daimler Consort Drophead Coupé 2.5 Preselector

29.999 EUR (brut)


29.999 EUR (brut)

TVA nedeductibil

149.266 RON (brut)

Date tehnice

Un vehicul este considerat „fără accident” dacă vânzătorul poate furniza garanţii solide precum că vehiculul nu a suferit niciodată avarii (semnificative) într-un accident.

Neaccidentat, Vehicul second-hand

Prima înregistrare04/1951
Cutie de vitezeSemiautomată
Kilometraj30.050 km
Putere52 kW (71 CP)
Număr de uşiDouă sau trei
Stare vehicul
Vehicule avariate înseamnă toate vehiculele cu daune semnificative nereparate, de ex. din cauza unui accident în trafic, unui incendiu, grindinei, apei, defectării motorului sau cutiei de viteze. Aici nu sunt incluse: 1.) uzura normală; 2.) avariile minore; 3.) un vehicul care anterior a avut un accident, dar a fost reparat de atunci. De asemenea, se consideră că un vehicul nu a fost accidentat dacă nu a suferit nicio avarie semnificativă într-un accident. Acest lucru înseamnă că orice avarie mai serioasă decât una minoră (de ex,. vopsea zgâriată). Chiar dacă avaria a fost reparată corect, vehiculul nu mai este considerat neaccidentat. În sfârşit, „Utilizabil în trafic” înseamnă că, din punct de vedere tehnic, vehiculul poate fi condus (nu are motorul defect sau ceva asemănător). Acest lucru nu se referă la aspecte privind siguranţa în trafic sau la alt caracter potrivit vehicului.
Vehicul second-hand, Neaccidentat
CategorieCabriolet / Roadster, Oldtimer
Număr vehiculAWL916
AntriebsartMotor cu ardere internă

Descriere vehicul

Now is your chance to buy a really old classic!
One of about 5,000 produced by Daimler Consort and this one from 1951.
Sold new in Sweden and with only 3 owners where the last owned the car since 2013.
5 cars are registered in Sweden and only 2 with this engine.

General information about the Daimler Consort Drophead Coupé
The Daimler DB18 is an automobile produced by Daimler from 1939 until 1953. It is a 2½-litre version of the preceding 2.2-litre New Fifteen introduced in 1937. From 1949, the DB18 was revised to become the Daimler Consort. Using the engine developed for the Daimler Scout Car, it was offered to customers from 1939 as a six-cylinder chassis on which Daimler and various British coach builders offered a range of bodies including drop-head coupes. The model was introduced immediately before the Second World War, during which the company concentrated on the manufacture of military vehicles. To contemporaries the model was generally known as the Daimler 2½-litre until Daimler adopted the North American habit of giving their cars names (although not on any badgework), and an all-steel export version of the car was introduced in October 1948 at the London Motor Show, "principally for export" and branded as the Daimler Consort. The updates included the integration of the firewall into the body rather than it being part of the chassis, a move from rod operated mechanical brakes to a Girling-Bendix hydraulic front and rod operated rear system, incorporating the head lights into the front guards, and providing a badge plate behind the front bumper with a curved radiator grille replacing the flat one.

For more information please visit the Wikipedia link below:

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Mikael Hansson

Sales representative