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Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe - Restored

37.500 EUR (brut)


37.500 EUR (brut)

TVA nedeductibil

186.619 RON (brut)

Date tehnice

Un vehicul este considerat „fără accident” dacă vânzătorul poate furniza garanţii solide precum că vehiculul nu a suferit niciodată avarii (semnificative) într-un accident.

Neaccidentat, Vehicul second-hand

Prima înregistrare03/1954
Cutie de vitezeCutie de viteze manuală
Kilometraj8.000 km
Putere110 kW (150 CP)
Capacitate cilindrică3.850 cc
Număr de locuri4
Număr de uşiDouă sau trei
Stare vehicul
Vehicule avariate înseamnă toate vehiculele cu daune semnificative nereparate, de ex. din cauza unui accident în trafic, unui incendiu, grindinei, apei, defectării motorului sau cutiei de viteze. Aici nu sunt incluse: 1.) uzura normală; 2.) avariile minore; 3.) un vehicul care anterior a avut un accident, dar a fost reparat de atunci. De asemenea, se consideră că un vehicul nu a fost accidentat dacă nu a suferit nicio avarie semnificativă într-un accident. Acest lucru înseamnă că orice avarie mai serioasă decât una minoră (de ex,. vopsea zgâriată). Chiar dacă avaria a fost reparată corect, vehiculul nu mai este considerat neaccidentat. În sfârşit, „Utilizabil în trafic” înseamnă că, din punct de vedere tehnic, vehiculul poate fi condus (nu are motorul defect sau ceva asemănător). Acest lucru nu se referă la aspecte privind siguranţa în trafic sau la alt caracter potrivit vehicului.
Vehicul second-hand, Neaccidentat
CategorieMaşină sport / Coupe, Oldtimer
AntriebsartMotor cu ardere internă
Design interiorParţial piele, Altele

Descriere vehicul

With the 1953 model year, the Bel Air name was introduced as the highest trim level. For 1954, the Bel Air stayed essentially the same, except for a revised grille, taillights and engine. The Bel Air shared only their front sheet metal. The roof, rear quarters and rear windows were unique for the Bel Air. With the missing B-pillar, the car is far more elegant with the windows rolled down than the lower trim levels. This example has been extensively restored before imported to Belgium. The car is sold with Belgian registration.

During the restoration, the car was completely stripped to bare metal and repainted red with a contrasting white roof. The paint is in great condition with no marks or flaws. All chrome was replaced or redone and is still in excellent condition. The wheels are also repainted and original hubcaps were installed.

Bel Air interiors had more chrome across the lower part of the dashboard, along with a deluxe Bel Air steering wheel with a full chrome horn ring and more carpeting. The chrome on the inside is still in great condition. The original radio is still in the car but not functional. A new radio was installed on the underside of the dashboard. The seats are redone with red velours and white vinyl inserts. All gauges work flawless.

Besides all the visual refurbishments, all mechanicals were redone too. The original manual three speed transmission has been rebuilt and shifts smooth and strong. The rear axle and suspension was also redone. The engine bay takes you back to the 1950’s. Everything was restored to original specifications. The engine block was repainted in the original color with the correct ‘Blue Flame’ decal on it. Even the air cleaner and coolant overflow are still the original ones!

Overall this is the nicest ’54 Bel Air for sale and ready to be enjoyed by the next owner!

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