(71 Oceny)
97% Referencje
97% Pojazd zgodny z opisem
Czas odpowiedzi
97% Referencje
97% Pojazd zgodny z opisem
Max-Planck-Straße 20
65779 Kelkheim Niemcy
Excelente profissional
Korektan prodavac, dugogodišna saradnja, automobili uvijek u top formi. Dokumentacija uvijek spremna na vrijeme. Izvozni papiri, zoll tablice. Sve preporuke za saradnju.
the simplicity and speed in completing the purchase process
Sehr gute autos.
Alles war Super!
Ich arbeiten diese ferkoufer fiele jare.und kaufen fiele auto.diese gute ferkoufer
Freundlichkeit des Händlers. Kompetenz und hilfsbereit
Die Freundlichkeit
I send 500 euro to keep me the car for 2 days, when i went there the car front was broken, i told i dont want the car, but they didnt give me my money back. They sad i must buy the car to get my money back. They were talking us very condescending. Later emailed them, but they still sad dont give my 500 euro back. They are croatian or serbian. I dont prefer them to noone. Disappointing Germany....