(55 Oceny)
100% Referencje
100% Pojazd zgodny z opisem
Czas odpowiedzi
100% Referencje
100% Pojazd zgodny z opisem
1, rue Hameau de Granges
70400 GRANGES LA VILLE Francja
The price.
He said to make the payment, and when i got to the bank few hours later he did not respond anymore. Then sent me the next day an e-mail telling me that his boss sold the car and he did not know.
Fast response Great agreement Friendly environment
Nette Hendler
Promptitudine la mesajele trimise
Totul a fost ok până la plata.cand le am spus de unde sunt,mi s a spus că mașina s a vândut,deși anunțul a mai stat pe site încă 3-4 zile.
kindness fast response