Mihai Guia at 12.12.2017
They were fairly prompt in their replies
I would absolutely not buy from them ever again!. I specifically told their guy that I will drive the car home to my country so I will need plates FOR THAT PURPOSE. They gave me yellow band plates (sent me an email about this in advance) and assured me that this is ALL I need to drive home. At the border with Romania I was informed that the yellow nos. are not recognized and I need a platform or I may face a CRIMINAL OFFENCE for driving an unregistered car. I paid 52k EUR and they messed up one simple thing! Had to pay more than 1,000 EUR for a platform and additional accommodation to solve this. Their service is a disgrace and totally unprofessional. Also (this seems a minor issue after the disaster with the plates!) during the preliminary exchange of emails but AFTER I paid the 5,000 EUR deposit their guy told me that the mileage will increase because his colleague IS STILL DRIVING THE CAR !!! HONESTLY I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A DISGRACEFUL AND PATHETIC CLIENT CARE EVER!
at 09.08.2017
Sehr schnelle und fachkundige Beratung
at 06.04.2017
Service Algemein
at 01.04.2017
schnelle kontaktaufnahme, verbindliches auftreten
sehr aufdringlich
at 07.03.2017
Das Auto entsprach genau der Beschreibung, Details wurden umgehend mitgeteilt und besprochen.
at 14.01.2017
Schnelle erste Reaktion.
Dann keine Rückmeldung mehr. Sehr enttäuschend.
Andreas Stähle at 04.01.2017
Schnelle Kontaktaufnahme, kompetent und freundlich.
Volker Pilz at 17.10.2016
Keine weitere Bearbeitung. es wurde um Meldung nach meiner Rückkehr gebeten !!
at 05.09.2016
Sehr freundlicher Verkäufer welcher sich bemüht hat.
Huppediedel at 04.09.2016
schnelle, freundliche und fach kompetente Beratung