Lamborghini Espada 400 GT Series III 3 Automatic 1 of 55 worldwide 2. HAND from 2. owner matching numbers
The Lamborghini Espada was in production from 1968 to 1978. A total of 1,217 examples was produced which makes this car one of Lamborghini’s most successful models. Three different series were produced. The most important differences were the technical specifications not visible to the naked eye, the car’s interior and the power of the engine. The exterior of the cars from these three series were practical identical. The car we have on offer belongs to the third series (Series 3). Lamborghini fitted these third series with power steering and air conditioning so as to underline that this GT was especially intended for cruising. An automatic transmission also became available, and why not? It fitted the genes of this car just fine. The public apparently did not agree as only 55 cars with automatic transmission (of which 5 RHD cars) were sold. So the Espada Automatic can justifiably be called a very rare car. We do believe that this is actually the only Automatic on the market. This car was delivered in The Netherlands in 1977 by Lamborghini In 1999 the car was passed on to the next owner, and since 1999 not used. Now this very rare item is for sale in the original condition. Engine does not start (not tried) needs a checkup. Some original parts for service and checkup are included.
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