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Inne Messerschmitt KR201 export museum/collector car

49 500 € (brutto)


49 500 € (brutto)

VAT nie podlega zwrotowi

208 014 zł (brutto)

Dane techniczne

Pojazd jest uznawany za „bezwypadkowy”, gdy sprzedawca może dostarczyć wiążące zapewnienie potwierdzające, że pojazd nigdy nie uległ żadnemu (poważnemu) uszkodzeniu ani wypadkowi.

Bezwypadkowy, Używany

Pierwsza rejestracja06/1957
Skrzynia biegówRęczna skrzynia biegów
Przebieg2 141 km
Moc7 kW (10 KM)
Pojemność191 cm3
Liczba miejsc2
Liczba drzwi2/3
Liczba właścicieli4
KolorSzary Metalic
Kolor wg producentaGrey metallic with red
Stan pojazdu
Pojazdy uszkodzone to takie, które mają nienaprawione istotne uszkodzenia, powstałe np. w wyniku wypadku drogowego, pożaru, gradu, zalania, awarii silnika lub skrzyni biegów. Do tej kategorii nie zalicza się: 1.) pojazdów wykazujących normalne oznaki zużycia; 2.) pojazdów z drobnymi usterkami; 3.) pojazdów, które uległy uszkodzeniu w wyniku wypadku, ale zostały naprawione. Natomiast pojazd można uznać za bezwypadkowy tylko wtedy, gdy nigdy nie uległ poważnym uszkodzeniom w wyniku wypadku. Pod pojęciem „poważne uszkodzenia” rozumie się wszystkie uszkodzenia, których nie można określić jako drobne (np. zarysowanie lakieru). Pojazdu nie można określić jako bezwypadkowy również w przypadku, gdy uszkodzenie zostało odpowiednio naprawione. Natomiast kategoria „zdolny do jazdy” oznacza, że pojazd jest w stanie technicznym pozwalającym na jazdę (bez uszkodzeń silnika itp.). Kategoria ta nie uwzględnia kwestii bezpieczeństwa ruchu ani innych aspektów zdolności do jazdy.
Pojazd używany, Bezwypadkowy
KategoriaSamochód małolitrażowy
PochodzenieWersja EU
AntriebsartSilnik spalinowy


Rear wheel drive

Opis pojazdu

Extremely Rare KR201 Roadster with “Export” Package and signed by Fritz Fend

We are proud to present this original Messerschmitt KR201, one of the very first produced. The chassis number of this Messerschmitt is one of the lowest known from the entire KR201 production.

This Messerschmitt is a true rarity. According to well-informed sources, only 300 units of the Messerschmitt KR201 Roadster were built. Experts estimate that around 25 of these have survived the test of time. A very limited number of these small series Roadsters were delivered with the “export” package, which included aluminum trim strips and a two-tone color scheme.

This Roadster was originally sold on the Swedish market. The Swedish registration documents are part of the accompanying documentation folder.

In the 1980s, this Messerschmitt was sold to Germany, where it was fully restored by a brand specialist. During the restoration, a color scheme of red over anthracite gray metallic was chosen.

The original parts such as the fender lights, mirrors, speedometer, clock, etc. were meticulously restored and returned to their former glory. Over the years, this Roadster has been regularly used for leisure drives.
Recently, it has undergone major maintenance in our workshop. The beautiful "white wall" tires have also been replaced, including the spare wheel.

In 1998, the then German owner of this KR201 traveled to Kaprun for the Messerschmitt Club anniversary meeting. Fritz Fend, the constructor and creator of the Messerschmitt, was the guest of honor. The owner saw his chance and asked Fritz Fend to sign his Messerschmitt.

In mid-2005, the unique Kabinenroller was transferred to its last German owner, who cherished the museum piece and occasionally took it for a ride.

An original and authentic KR201 with the sought-after “export” package is nearly impossible to find. RM Sotheby’s sold a stunning example at one of their auctions in 2013 for the incredible amount of $103,500 USD. This “Kabinenroller” has it all!

The Roadster model was a very limited special edition of the well-known Messerschmitt KR range. On top of the standard features of a regular Messerschmitt, this model had various "upgrades." The most notable being the convertible top. The interior featured accents of imitation snakeskin and colored piping. The gear shift knob was chrome-plated and had a white button. The dashboard was modified with a speedometer featuring a white background and logo. The light switch was modified, and a speaker grille was added. The Roadster body had lights on the fenders and “portholes” in the engine hood. The mirrors were also a different style than other models and were also used on the rare "Tiger" model. Additionally, the hubcaps were different and had 2-ear spinners. Protection against rain was provided by two vinyl side windows that could be attached with snap buttons.
This Roadster was restored with great attention to the original details of Messerschmitts, especially the Roadster model. All "special" parts such as the fender lights, mirrors, speedometer, clock, etc., were carefully restored and returned to their original glory.This Roadster has been regularly used for leisure drives over the years. The mechanics are also in excellent condition. Brakes, suspensions, wiring, lighting... everything has been meticulously cared for to maximize reliability.

This Roadster is welcome at any concours or classic car event and can compete for serious awards. In short, an opportunity for any microcar enthusiast to acquire a unique piece of history.

Call us for more information or to schedule an appointment:
Your contact, Ruud Gubbels, +31 43-3114158

Podobne pojazdy

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GCR Invest BV / Dream Garage

3.3 ★
(1 Oceny)

Veilingweg 29

NL-6247EP Gronsveld Holandia
  • Numer telefonu: +31 43 808 1355

Z od 17 wrz 2024

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GCR Invest BV / Dream Garage

3.3 ★
(1 Oceny)

Veilingweg 29
NL-6247EP Gronsveld Holandia

+31 43 808 1355