op 31 mrt 2016
Unpersönlicher Empfang. Plumpe Verkaufspsychologie. Von vorne herein kein ernstzunehmender Verhandlungsspielraum.
op 28 mrt 2016
Es kam nicht zur Probefahrt, da ich vorher einen anderen PKW gekauft habe.
op 19 mrt 2016
Kfz schon lange verkauft
op 25 feb 2016
Auto kaum zur Präsentation verfügbar. Lange Terminierung einer Besichtigung und Probefahrt. Zwischenzeitlich bei anderem Händler gekauft.
op 15 feb 2016
Korrekte Abwicklung mit Probefahrt!
Nikola op 10 feb 2016
They manipulated with price and data, first they told me that the car is free of any accident, what wasn't the case. Then few hours later the car was sold. Week after I saw the car still on mobile.de with evel lower price. Somwthing is wrong???? I'm glad that i didnt buy a thing there.
op 9 feb 2016
Manque de courtoisie et trop de rigueur administrative
op 25 jan 2016
Silver Verrev op 14 jan 2016
All information about the car was good, but the Daimler AG dealer decided, that they do not sell me tha car. was very disapointed :(
Daimler AG dealer decided, that they do not sell me tha car? I am not car dealer or company, I wanted to buy cor for my family. Dealership aswered, that they are not allowed to sell me. They said, that the car is too new. In the future, if car seller doesn't want or it is not to allowed to sell car to outside Germany, please mark this information to the adverisment. I will not contact and bother them.
op 11 jan 2016
They were fast and good