Een voertuig wordt uitsluitend geacht 'ongevalsvrij' te zijn als de verkoper bindende verzekering kan overleggen dat het voertuig nooit bij een ongeval (aanzienlijke) schade heeft opgelopen.
Ongevalsvrij, Gebruikt
Eerste registratie10/2021
VersnellingsbakAutomatische transmissie
Kilometrage40.268 km
Vermogen51 kW (69 PS)
Aantal zitplaatsen5
Aantal deuren4/5
Aantal eigenaren van voertuig0
KleurRood Metallic
Vehicle condition
Damaged vehicles are any vehicles with unrepaired significant damage, e.g. due to a road traffic accident, fire damage, hail damage, water damage, engine damage or damage to the gearbox. This does not include: 1.) normal wear and tear; 2.) minor damage; 3.) a vehicle which has previously had an accident but has since been repaired. Also, a vehicle is only deemed to be accident-free if it has never suffered any significant damage in an accident. This means anything more serious than minor damage (e.g. scratched paintwork). Even if the damage has been properly repaired, the vehicle is no longer accident-free. Finally, 'Roadworthy' means that the vehicle is technically capable of being driven (no engine damage or the like). This does not refer to aspects of traffic safety or other suitability of the vehicle.
Gebruikt voertuig, Accident-free
Andere energiebronnenElectricity
Airbags voor, opzij en meer
Centrale vergrendeling
Elektrische ramen
Isofix (bevestiging voor kinderstoeltje)
Lichtmetalen velgen
Radio / Tuner
Voertuig van niet-roker
[Rif. 21867822] Altre opzioni: Accensione automatica fari e tergicristalli;Alert sonoro per i pedoni;Armonia Interna Nera;Batteria di trazione 52 kWh;Cambio e-Shifter con B Mode;Caricatore di bordo Caméléon per ricarica in corrente alternata (AC) fino a 22 kW;Cavo di ricarica Modo 3 da 6,5 m con presa Tipo 2;Cerchi in lega da 16" EDIRIS;Commutazione automatica abbaglianti/ anabbaglianti;Driver Display digitale 10" HD personalizzabile;Easy Access System II;Eco Mode;Finiture cromate volante, plancia e leva del cambio;Freno di stazionamento elettrico con funzione auto-hold;Kit di gonfiaggio e riparazione pneumatici;Lane Departure Warning (allerta superamento della linea di corsia);Lane Keep Assist (assistenza al mantenimento della corsia);Luci diurne a LED con firma C-SHAPE;Maniglie porte interne cromate;Over Speed Prevention (allerta superamento limite di velocità);Regolatore e limitatore di velocità;Retrovisori esterni elettrici;Retrovisori esterni Shiny black;Sedili posteriori ripiegabili 1/3 2/3;Sellerie in tessuto "Recytex" grigio scuro 100% riciclato, con imbottiture nella parte centrale;Servizi connessi Renault Easy CONNECT;Volante in TEP
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