(33 Hodnocení)
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100% Vozidlo odpovídá popisu
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100% Vozidlo odpovídá popisu
Zone Artisanale Weyler 44
6700 Arlon Belgie
Alles wat gut
Simple answer
Price action is too small
Er antwortete nicht auf einige E-Mails
Gute hilfe und bereitheit.
Fast answer
I made an appointment to look at the Abarth Grande Punto they said they would be there but when I was there. No one was there I made a call and they came. And in the ad it dit not say it was a non runner I did drive 500km and would like to no the next time. And they didn't even speak English
Schnelle Reaktion
Ich bat um mehr Informationen und ein Foto und lehnte dies ab.
My question was English. The answer was French.
Alles gut