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Saab 96 Sport very rare in blue

38 000 € (brutto)


38 000 € (brutto)

DPH nelze vrátit

955 130 Kč (brutto)

Technické údaje

Vozidlo je považováno za nebourané pouze v případě, že prodejce může poskytnout závazné ujištění, že nikdy neutrpělo žádné (závažné) poškození při dopravní nehodě.

Nebourané, Použité

Datum první registrace08/1962
Počet najetých km45 000 km
Výkon41 kW (56 PS)
Objem850 ccm
Počet sedadel4
Počet dveří2/3
Počet majitelů vozidla5
Stav vozidla
Poškozená vozidla jsou vozidla s neopraveným vážným poškozením, např. následkem dopravní nehody, požáru, krupobití, povodní, s poškozením motoru nebo převodovky. Mezi poškozená vozidla nepatří vozidla s: 1.) běžným opotřebením; 2.) drobnějším poškozením; 3.) vozidla, která byla po nehodě opravena. Kromě toho lze vozidlo považovat za vozidlo bez nehody pouze v případě, že nebylo vážněji poškozeno při nehodě. tj. neutrpělo vážnější než drobné poškození (např. poškrábaný lak). I když bylo vozidlo řádně opraveno, nelze ho považovat za vozidlo bez nehody. A konečně, „pojízdné” znamená, že vozidlo je technicky způsobilé k jízdě (tj. nemá např. poškozený motor nebo podobnou závadu). Tento stav nereflektuje aspekty dopravní bezpečnosti nebo jiné způsobilosti vozidla.
Použité vozidlo, Nebourané
KategorieSportovní vůz / Kupé, Veterán
Komerční, export/importEXPORT
OriginVerze pro EU
AntriebsartSpalovací motor
Typ interiéruLátka, Modrá
Last maintenance (date)02/2024


Front wheel drive

Popis vozidla

Exterior: The majority of the SAAB 96 Sport cars were or have later been painted red, most likely since SAAB became famous from their racing success and the cars they raced were red. What makes this SAAB 96 Sport stand out is that it is a beautiful dark blue original color. The car was restored around 2007, and the paint still looks very nice today. It is fitted with Ronal wheels and Toyo tires that suit the SAAB cars very well. The underneath of the car was painted with a black stone chip protection, and it is today 100% rust-free. All wearing parts like bushings and joints were replaced during the restoration, and the car has been driven 1,400 km since.
Interior: Most of the interior is original from 1962. The driver’s seat is worn and slightly broken. The carpets are new, and all the instruments are beautiful and in full function. The original sport steering wheel is in excellent condition.
Engine: The original SAAB 96 Sport engine has just been broken in and was completely rebuilt with new pistons and gaskets, delivering 52 wild horsepower. The 4-speed gearbox was also original on the sport model, and SAAB always had the freewheel, so you do not need to use the clutch when you change gears. Another detail that is special for the SAAB Sport is that it has a special tank in the engine compartment for the two-stroke oil, so you never have to think about mixing the gasoline yourself when you fill up the car. The 1962 SAAB Sport also featured disc brakes up front.
History: The SAAB 850 GT or 96 Sport, as they were referred to here in Sweden, was sold new to the first lucky owner on the 24th of April in 1963. The car changed ownership frequently until 1973, when it looks like it was taken out of traffic and did not come back on the road until 2008. After the restoration in 2008, the car has traveled about 1,400 km. In 2024, the carburetors were refurbished, the tank was cleaned, and a new battery was installed. The last technical inspection was done in 2020 and is still valid in Sweden.
We are located in south Sweden just north of Malmö. The closest airport is Copenhagen (Denmark) and we will be happy to pick you up if you are coming to see one of our cars. Please visit our homepage to see all pictures/videos we have of this vehicle in full resolution and size. We always have between 30-50 cars in stock. Currency can change, correct price is always stated on my website. If you choose to buy a car from us, we can help you get a very fair price on transport. Sweden is in EU and there is no tax for classic cars in E.U region. If you have serious interest we always have more media to share and we can show the car in a video meeting such as WhatsApp. Please also like my facebook page for new arrivals, reviews and more Buy from trusted dealers. Check my reviews on Google, and Facebook. Dieses Auto befindet sich im Sueden von Schweden, nur 30 Minuten vom Flughafen Kopenhagen entfernt. Wenn Sie Interesse haben sich das Fahrzeug anzuschauen, können wir Sie auch gerne vom Flughafen abholen. Wenn Sie das Auto kaufen möchten, können Sie es nach Hause fahren oder wir könnten auch einen Transport fuer Sie organisieren. Ich spreche gerne Deutsch am telefon, aber antworten e-mail nur im Englisch. Schweden sin in E.U= kein steuer.

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  • Telefonní číslo: +46 418 44 31 99

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Schiebler Scandinavia AB

Scoutvägen 25
SE-26193 Saxtorp Švédsko

+46 418 44 31 99