Vozidlo je považováno za nebourané pouze v případě, že prodejce může poskytnout závazné ujištění, že nikdy neutrpělo žádné (závažné) poškození při dopravní nehodě.
Nebourané, Použité
Datum první registrace12/1977
Počet najetých km53 000 km
Počet dveří2/3
Stav vozidla
Poškozená vozidla jsou vozidla s neopraveným vážným poškozením, např. následkem dopravní nehody, požáru, krupobití, povodní, s poškozením motoru nebo převodovky. Mezi poškozená vozidla nepatří vozidla s: 1.) běžným opotřebením; 2.) drobnějším poškozením; 3.) vozidla, která byla po nehodě opravena. Kromě toho lze vozidlo považovat za vozidlo bez nehody pouze v případě, že nebylo vážněji poškozeno při nehodě. tj. neutrpělo vážnější než drobné poškození (např. poškrábaný lak). I když bylo vozidlo řádně opraveno, nelze ho považovat za vozidlo bez nehody. A konečně, „pojízdné” znamená, že vozidlo je technicky způsobilé k jízdě (tj. nemá např. poškozený motor nebo podobnou závadu). Tento stav nereflektuje aspekty dopravní bezpečnosti nebo jiné způsobilosti vozidla.
Použité vozidlo, Nebourané
KategorieSUV / Off-road Vehicle / Pickup Truck
AntriebsartSpalovací motor
Popis vozidla
What exactly is a Land-Rover 101 FC? The model was built as a military vehicle from 1972-78 and with the quirks that are now intended to be most practical when it is to be used in the world's hotspots. Like many other Land-Rover models, 101 is equal to the length of the frame and FC stands for Forward Control, as the car had to be as practical and take up as little space as possible if, for example, it had to be transported by plane, therefore they chose to move the cabin all the way forward and the front wheels and the large 3.5 liter V8 Rover engine is located under the cabin and behind the front wheels to eliminate a bonnet and thereby make the bed shorter. The cars were used as draft animals for cannons, built as ambulances and radio transmitting cars, a total of 2669 copies were produced and in this version as left-hand drive with 12V system only 583 pieces. - so you're excused if you don't remember seeing many more. You probably have to be a bit of a 4x4 enthusiast to like the vehicle and the driving characteristics - in return you get a unique vehicle that attracts attention wherever you go - and with permanent 4-wheel drive and an enormous ground clearance, you should probably get ahead. Equipment: Various buttons for lights, wipers and heating system spread out and the dashboard, as well as the possibility to check various fluids from inside the cabin, outside you have both front and rear clearance and tow for 3500 kg. Note that the car is registered as a passenger car and has a total weight of 3500 kg, so must be driven with an ordinary driving licence.
Note! It has only done 53,000 km!
Lindholm Collection is the classic- and specials divison of Lindholm Biler A/S, one of the biggest used car dealers in Denmark.
We have been in business since 1976 and have delivered cars to more than 50.000 satisfied customers.
We have (as the only dealer in Denmark) been elected "Used car dealer of the year" four times and our Trustpilot rating is among the highest on the market.
We can arrange for Europe wide delivery.
We speak English, German and Scandinavian.
Contact us:
Rasmus - +45 27161486 - rasmus@lindholmbiler.dk
Kim - +45 81452028 - kl@lindholmbiler.dk
Henrik - +45 20924044 - hb@lindholmbiler.dk
We are looking forward to doing business with you!
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