Import vozidel z Německa a celé Evropy


Ferrari 365 GTC

679 000 € (brutto)


679 000 € (brutto)

DPH nelze vrátit

16 985 864 Kč (brutto)

Technické údaje

Vozidlo je považováno za nebourané pouze v případě, že prodejce může poskytnout závazné ujištění, že nikdy neutrpělo žádné (závažné) poškození při dopravní nehodě.

Nebourané, Použité

Datum první registrace01/1969
Počet najetých km36 500 km
Výkon235 kW (320 PS)
Objem4 390 ccm
Počet sedadel2
Počet dveří2/3
Počet majitelů vozidla5
Stav vozidla
Poškozená vozidla jsou vozidla s neopraveným vážným poškozením, např. následkem dopravní nehody, požáru, krupobití, povodní, s poškozením motoru nebo převodovky. Mezi poškozená vozidla nepatří vozidla s: 1.) běžným opotřebením; 2.) drobnějším poškozením; 3.) vozidla, která byla po nehodě opravena. Kromě toho lze vozidlo považovat za vozidlo bez nehody pouze v případě, že nebylo vážněji poškozeno při nehodě. tj. neutrpělo vážnější než drobné poškození (např. poškrábaný lak). I když bylo vozidlo řádně opraveno, nelze ho považovat za vozidlo bez nehody. A konečně, „pojízdné” znamená, že vozidlo je technicky způsobilé k jízdě (tj. nemá např. poškozený motor nebo podobnou závadu). Tento stav nereflektuje aspekty dopravní bezpečnosti nebo jiné způsobilosti vozidla.
Použité vozidlo, Nebourané
KategorieSportovní vůz / Kupé
OriginVerze pro EU
AntriebsartSpalovací motor


Rear wheel drive


Popis vozidla

1969 Ferrari 365 GTC by Pininfarina

• One of as little as 150 samples of 365 GTC ever produced
• Matching numbers
• Chassis no. 12379, Engine no. 245
• The car history documented by Marcelo Massini and Marc Rabineau (French historian)
• Maintenance documents by brand and approved centers
• Ferrari Classic Certification

• Overall technical condition of the vehicle 2+ The 365 GTC model is a successor of the 330 GTC and was first introduced at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1969. The engine is a 4.4-liter V12, replacing the 4.0-liter unit used in the 330 GTC. Compared to the 330 GTC model, the torque increased and the maximum horsepower raised to 320 hp. The powertrain was improved and cabin noise was reduced. The 365 GTC is the first road-going Ferrari with fully independent wheel suspension and 50/50 weight distribution as proven by its great driving characteristics. Ferrari is proud, that the 365 GTC customers appreciate its comfort and high performance. Leather-trimmed interior, electric windows and heated rear window were standard equipment, while the air-conditioning could be ordered as an additional option. Due to its great driving characteristics, acceleration and maximum speed of 240 kph, this car can be used in today's regular traffic conditions. No more than 150 models in total were manufactured, underlying the exceptionality of this model. At present, even smaller number of them is fit for a real use in the traffic, lacking appropriate technical care. Thus, a well maintained 365 GTC has become not only an exceptional collectible, but also a serious investment opportunity.

Car history:
1 April 1969 – engine designed
4 April 1969 – the factory completed the first car
April 1969, the car was delivered to the official dealer Charles Pozzi SA in Paris, and subsequently sold to Mr. Jean Bertoldi. At that time, Mr. Bertoldi was the CEO of the French National Transport Company (SNCF). Jean Bertoldi became the owner of the car on 9 July 1969, with licence plate number 1429QJ54. Later on, Mr. Jean Bertoldi ran a major construction and real estate company in Longwy (Vosgés region), about 300 km from Paris. He was one of the big clients of Franco-Britannic Autos.
He used to own almost every model of cars produced in the Ferrari factory. Once, a mechanic from F.B.A. stated that Mr. Bertholdi had two Ferrari collections, "in Longwy all the Ferraris are blue and maintained by a French importer. The other collection is in Italy, all the cars are red and factory maintained."-
30 January 1970 – Mr. Bonney-Ache, based in the Paris area, purchased the car with 9,000 km on its tachometer, this time with a new number plate 28WE75.
He exchanged his original Ferrari – the 330 GTC, chassis no. 8791, showing 46,000 km, for the 365 GTC model and cleared the rest of the price by a financial payment. As part of the deal, he fitted a radio with an electric antenna from the 330 GTC into the 365 GTC model because he was to use the car in Paris traffic.-

27 July 1973 – Mr. Clive Hamoud, also based in Paris, acquired the car while keeping the licence paltes. As of 2009, the car was located in Switzerland and its new owner was Mr. Johannes Sandberg of Lussy-sur-Morges. The car was registered with VD 40887 plates.-
In 2014, the car was sold by Uwe Meissner with MODENA MOTORSPORT to another Ferrari dealer in Germany, EBERLEIN AUTOMOBILE GmbH, Kassel.

16 April 2014 – the company BERTRAM of Kassel published classic data (book) about the car, together with the car´s history by Marcelo Massini and Marc Rabineau. This documentation makes an integral part of the sales offer.-

10 October 2014 – EBERLEIN AUTOMOBILE sold the car to the new owner, Dip. Ing. Július Horváth, an owner of a vintage Ferrari cars collection.-

17 October 2022 – the car was delivered to the official SCUDERIA GOHM dealer in Vienna, and certified as FERRARI CLASSIC.

The car has been extremely well maintained and cared for by approved and brand manitenance centers throughout the entire period of the ownership. This can be proved by original invoices. The overall technical condition of the car is 2+.

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Dealer tiráž

AR CARS s.r.o., Autorisierter TECHART Vertriebspartner

Krmelínská 736/7

CZ-72000 Ostrava Česká republika
  • Mobil: +420 736 725 095
  • Mobil: +421 948 911 964

S od 18. 6. 2008

Ovládané jazyky:

Čeština, Deutsch, English, Polski

Lokace auta

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Michal Rubáček


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AR CARS s.r.o., Autorisierter TECHART Vertriebspartner

Krmelínská 736/7
CZ-72000 Ostrava Česká republika

+420 736 725 095

Vaše kontaktní osoba

Michal Rubáček
