Scania P94, School truck with ekstra pedals, for driving school In good working condition have good tires. + Sold without trailer, Trailer is 1700 euro extra.+
Loading space of truck L 600 x W 255 x H 216. Totalweight: 14000 ownweight: 7900 Bottum is not the best anymore see pictures.
Krone trailer, in good working order with good tires Year: 1999 Totalweight: 12600 Ownweight: 4000 Loading space dimenssions: L 720 x W 255 x H 216 (PRICE Trailer 1700 Euro)
More information
Transmission: 8 gears, Manual gearbox Cargo space dimensions(LxWxH): 600x255x216 Please contact Kristian Wolther (+4531352230, for more information
Dealer information
We can help with transitnumberplates so you can drive your new truck home.
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